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Recipe for Maika's super fluffy muesli power bread from the
Pampered Chef magic box

Recipe for Maika's super fluffy muesli power bread


• 30 g of sunflower oil
• About 20 g of vegetable fat, solid for greasing the magic box
• 150 g muesli, unsweetened ( approx. 20 g to scatter the magic box)
• 330 g of lukewarm water
• 200 g carrots in pieces
• 20 g of fresh yeast
• 200 g wholegrain spelled flour
• 300 g wheat flour 550
• 75 g sourdough homemade or from, for example, Seitenbacher
• 1 tablespoon of sugar
• 2 teaspoons of salt


1. Grease the magician with the solid vegetable fat and sprinkle with muesli.

2. Chop the spelled flour and carrots for 5 sec / speed 5 in the Thermomix.

3. Add the remaining ingredients (first the water) and knead for 3 minutes.

4. Put the dough in the magic box, cover with Stretch-Fit, small - rectangular (ventilation closed) and let rise in a towel in a warm place for an hour.

5. Bake the magic box on the wire rack in the lowest rack in the oven for 55 minutes at 200 degrees.

6. Turn the bread from the magic box onto the wire rack and let it cool down.

7. Tip: Leave the bread on the wire rack on the same day until it has been cut and store it in the oven master after the cut, so it stays nice and juicy!

Link to the magic box
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