++++++++ Jetzt schnell - Die Thermomix Sonderteilzahlung mit 0,99% gilt nur noch bis diesen Sonntag, den 28.03.2021 ++++++++ Erkoche Dir Deinen Thermomix mit der Aktion "Für Vier gehört er dir" ++++++++ Die neue Fit mit Thermomix Rubrik ++++++++ Der neue Thermomix Friend ++++++++ Leih Dir meinen Thermomix ++++++++ Ganz viele Rezept in meiner Pampered Chef Welt ++++++++

Welcome to my Pampered Chef world

Maika Götter - your Pampered chief advisor in Rostock / Dummerstorf and the surrounding area

About me

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Would you like to know who Maika Götter is? Then click here!
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The PC range

Find out everything about the Pampered Chef product lines!
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Pampered Chef recipes

View recipes for delicious dishes here. Everything is prepared using Pampere Chef products
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What is the current special offer?

Pampered Chef offers a new monthly offer at regular intervals. Check out what the current offer is!
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The PC cooking show

Do you want to know what an on-site cooking show or a virtual cooking show is?
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My Instagram profile

Are you looking for tips and advice for really good and / or healthy food? Then you are exactly right here! On my page you will find the best suggestions for everything to do with the Thermomix, whether for the perfect meal or a snack in between.
It's best if you follow me directly on Instagram and stay up to date!
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