++++++++ Jetzt schnell - Die Thermomix Sonderteilzahlung mit 0,99% gilt nur noch bis diesen Sonntag, den 28.03.2021 ++++++++ Erkoche Dir Deinen Thermomix mit der Aktion "Für Vier gehört er dir" ++++++++ Die neue Fit mit Thermomix Rubrik ++++++++ Der neue Thermomix Friend ++++++++ Leih Dir meinen Thermomix ++++++++ Ganz viele Rezept in meiner Pampered Chef Welt ++++++++

The experience cooking

Or the recipe of your choice

The experience cooking

Invite three more friends to an adventure cooking. The TM6 is explained to everyone, people talk, laugh and of course eat together. Because a 5-course menu is prepared. The best thing about it, the host receives an attractive host bonus or a host gift.

The recipe of choice

You want to have the TM6 explained to you in peace, then this can happen with an individual recipe of your choice! I will take enough time for you so that we can cook together for at least an hour and experience the TM6!

All of this according to your needs - veggie / fitness / classic

Regardless of whether it's an experience cooking or a recipe of your choice. Here I respond individually to your wishes. So do you want to cook a classic menu with meat? Or do you prefer a health-conscious menu that is based on your fitness plan or do you have guests who prefer a vegetarian diet? All of this and much more is possible!
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