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Pizza with cheese crust

Pizza with cheese crust on the White Lady

INGREDIENTS (for 1 White Lady)

For the dough:
• 260 g pizza flour or type 550
• 130 ml of water
• 13 g of fresh yeast
• 1 pinch of brown sugar
• 1.5 teaspoons of salt
• 1.5 tbsp olive oil

For the pizza sauce:
• 250g tomato puree
• 2 cloves of garlic
• 2 tablespoons of tomato paste
• 1/2 small onion
• 2 teaspoons of olive oil
• Salt and pepper (depending on your taste)
• 1 teaspoon thyme, dried
• 1 teaspoon oregano, dried
• 1/2 teaspoon rosemary, dried
• 1 teaspoon basil, dried

For the cheese crust:
• About 250g cheese in strips (depending on your taste Gouda, Emmentaler, Mozzarella)

For covering:
• Depending on your taste, cheese, salami, ham, feta, tomato, rocket, pineapple, capers,
Olives, tuna, etc ...

1. Knead the dough ingredients into a smooth dough, cover and let rise for at least 1 hour in a warm place.
2. Mix the ingredients for the sauce, mix finely (with a magic wand or Thermomix) and set aside. Tip, if it is boiled, it becomes milder and more harmonious.
3. Grease the White Lady, put the dough on top and roll it out with the help of the rolling pin, roll out the dough over the edge. Preheat the oven to 240 ° C.
4. Spread the cheese in pens around the edge, fold the dough over and press it down.
5. Spread the sauce on the rolled out dough and top it as you like! And bake pizza for about 25 minutes. Switch to bottom heat after 10 minutes.

Link to the round white stone
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