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A whole chicken with triplets and carrots from Pampered Chef's oven master

Whole chicken from the oven master


• 6 tbsp oil
• 3 teaspoons paprika, noble sweet
• ½ teaspoon pepper
• 2 teaspoons of salt
• 1 tbsp lemon juice
• 1 teaspoon chilli flakes
• 1 teaspoon of curry powder
• 1 clove of garlic
• Chicken (approx. 1.7kg)
• 1.5 kg triplets (potatoes)
• 4-5 thick carrots in 1cm strips


1. Oil, paprika, noble sweet, pepper, salt, lemon juice, chilli flakes, curry powder, garlic,
Finely dice mix well together. And coat a chicken (approx. 1.7kg) completely with it and let it work for a few hours.
2. Place triplets in the oven master and spread the carrots in between.
3. Place the chicken on top, close the lid and place in the lower third of the oven on the wire shelf at 240 degrees top / bottom heat.
4. Remove the lid after 75 minutes and bake until crispy on both sides until the desired browning (approx. 7 minutes on each side and the underside first).
5. Serve immediately.

Link to the furnace master
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