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Maika's whole salmon fillet on a vegetable patch - prepared on theWhite Lady from Pampered Chef

Whole salmon fillet on a vegetable patch - Prepared on the
White Lady from Pampered Chef


• Salt
• Pepper
• Whole salmon fillet (approx. 1kg)
• 300 g triplets, unpeeled
• A small eggplant
• One medium-sized zucchini
• 200 g cherry tomatoes
• 100 g mushrooms
• 1 red pepper
• 1 yellow pepper
• 1 sliced organic lemon
• A little olive oil
• A few sprigs of rosemary


1. Quarter the triplets with a professional Pampered Chef knife on a cutting feast and place in the large stainless steel bowl and drizzle with a little olive oil.

2. Use the Pampered Chef vegetable slicer to slice all of the vegetables into the stainless steel bowl.

3. Mix the vegetables and spread them on the White Lady and season with salt and pepper from the Pampered Chef mills.

4. Place the salmon on the vegetable patch and garnish with lemon wedges and rosemary.

5. Place the White Lady in the cold oven, on a wire shelf, on the lowest rack and cook for 80 minutes at 200 degrees C. Top / bottom heat.

6. The White Lady with the silicone gloves packs on! Take out of the oven and place on the wire rack on the table and distribute on the plates with the large serving spoon.

7. PS: The salmon is so very juicy, but if you prefer it glassy, only put the salmon on the vegetable patch in the oven after 35-40 minutes.

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